Your go to place for all things Table Top Wargames, RPG's and Commission painting
burning beard studios
“…There were two undeniable truths in the realms: It was very easy to overestimate a drow and even easier to underestimate a dwarf.”
R.A. Salvatore
What's on the workbench
Tales of Conquest: Part 6
tales of conquest Part 6: Franks Dweghom. I decided to play Dweghom as I like Dwarfs. Tough and choppy. Thematically I’ll run them straight up. To start off my army of redoubtable short and rotund folk I purchased a starter set for last argument of kings and first blood plus a box of initiates and […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 5
tales of conquest Part 5: Matthew’s W’adrhŭn. Why did I pick The W’adrhŭn for tales of conquest, well there are 2 reasons. The first and most important is a have a love of the barbarian/primative tribes force in most games. As an example I was a Lizardman and ork player for WFB and 40k. The […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 4
tales of conquest Part 4: Darren’s Old Domnion. Why did I pick the Old Dominion for the Tales of Conquest? The honest answer is the miniatures. As soon as I saw the Strategos on foot and mounted I wanted to paint them. I had no idea of the lore of the army or how […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 8
tales of conquest Part 8: Month 2 Painting Updates This month I’ve been working on some Legionnaires and some Kheres for my old Dominion. The shields and banners n the Legionnaires were 3d printed to match my theme. I want the army to have a dull dirty look with a splash of color here and […]
Studio Gallery 10mm Chaos Dwarves
10mm chaos dwarves Chaos Dwarf Lord and Lord on Great Taurus Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord and Sorcerer Lord on Lammasu Chaos Dwarf Warriors Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs Hobgoblins and Hobgoblin Wolf Riders Chaos Dwarf Earthshaker Cannon and Death Rocket Chaos Dwarf Army
Studio Gallery 10mm Free Dwarves
10mm free dwarves Free Dwarf Lord and Battle Standard Bearer Runelord and Master Engineer Hammerers Ironbreakers Free Dwarf Clansman Free Dwarf Rangers Free Dwarf Miners Free Dwarf Slayers Free Dwarf Thunderers Free Dwarf Cannon and Flame Cannon Free Dwarves
Studio Gallery 10mm Ogres
10mm ogre kingdoms Greasus Goldtooth Tyrant and Bruiser battle Standard Butcher and Hunter Ogre Bulls Leadbelchers Ironguts Maneaters Gnoblars and Gnoblar Scraplauncher Rhinox Riders Yhetees and Gorgers Ogre Kingdoms Group Shots
Quest broadside 2023
broadside 2023 Its Broadside day again and this year its a scorcher, by 9.30 the temp was nearing 27. This is the first time i had attended Broadside at its new venue based in the Medway Park Sports Centre in Gillingham Kent. Its a nice venue but parking is a definite issue especially when other […]
Rome wasn’t built in a day. part:2
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.” Part 2: Shards of the Primordials From the highest heavens, down to the darkest pits where Destruction and his servants are bound, Primordial powers infuse the world of Eä. The most extreme of these manifestations are the Horsemen themselves, as Aspect Souls of Creation […]
Rome wasn’t built in a day. part:1
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.” Part 1: A plan of Conquest In this hobby blog i will be creating an army of the Old Dominion for Parabellum’s Conquest, The Last Argument of Kings. I will be looking into the history and lore of the world of Ea and how […]
Rome wasn’t built in a day
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.” “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.” The armies of the dead are rising and marching their way across Ea to reclaim what was once theirs. Follow the shambling hordes as the legion regain the memories of old, in this […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 7
tales of conquest Part 7: Alex’s City States. Why did I pick the City States for the Tales of Conquest? The honest answer is the miniatures both released an those with stats available. As soon as I saw the Idea of Clockwork Hoplite and the Designs on the Army i Fell in love. I had […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 6
tales of conquest Part 6: Franks Dweghom. I decided to play Dweghom as I like Dwarfs. Tough and choppy. Thematically I’ll run them straight up. To start off my army of redoubtable short and rotund folk I purchased a starter set for last argument of kings and first blood plus a box of initiates and […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 5
tales of conquest Part 5: Matthew’s W’adrhŭn. Why did I pick The W’adrhŭn for tales of conquest, well there are 2 reasons. The first and most important is a have a love of the barbarian/primative tribes force in most games. As an example I was a Lizardman and ork player for WFB and 40k. The […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 4
tales of conquest Part 4: Darren’s Old Domnion. Why did I pick the Old Dominion for the Tales of Conquest? The honest answer is the miniatures. As soon as I saw the Strategos on foot and mounted I wanted to paint them. I had no idea of the lore of the army or how […]
Tales of Conquest: Part 8
tales of conquest Part 8: Month 2 Painting Updates This month I’ve been working on some Legionnaires and some Kheres for my old Dominion. The shields and banners n the Legionnaires were 3d printed to match my theme. I want the army to have a dull dirty look with a splash of color here and […]
Studio Gallery 10mm Chaos Dwarves
10mm chaos dwarves Chaos Dwarf Lord and Lord on Great Taurus Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord and Sorcerer Lord on Lammasu Chaos Dwarf Warriors Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs Hobgoblins and Hobgoblin Wolf Riders Chaos Dwarf Earthshaker Cannon and Death Rocket Chaos Dwarf Army
Studio Gallery 10mm Free Dwarves
10mm free dwarves Free Dwarf Lord and Battle Standard Bearer Runelord and Master Engineer Hammerers Ironbreakers Free Dwarf Clansman Free Dwarf Rangers Free Dwarf Miners Free Dwarf Slayers Free Dwarf Thunderers Free Dwarf Cannon and Flame Cannon Free Dwarves
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