Part 14: Painting House Lannister Assault Veteran.
The miniature was primed using halfords red primer.
The armour, belt buckles and weapons were painted with Army Painter Plate Mail Metal.
The boots, scabbard and under tabard were painted with Games Workshop Contrast Black Templar.
The belt, pouches and weapon shafts were given a coat of Games Workshops Mournfang Brown.
The skin was painted using Games Workshops Cadian Fleshtone.
The top of the hands, nose and cheeks were highlighted with Games Workshop Kislev Flesh.
The clothes were highlighted with Games Workshops Mephiston Red.
The clothes and feather were then given a final edge highlight using Games workshops Wild Rider Red.
The Lannister Lion on the chest and details on the shoulder were painted with Games Workshop Retributor Armour. As well as some details on the sword and on the clothing.
A 50/50 mis of Winsor and Newton black and burnt umber oil paints were mixed with white spirit to create a mixture with the consistency of milk.
This mix was then painted over the entire miniature.
After about 10 minutes the spirit had evaporated, leaving a dark oil coat over the miniature.
Using a cotton bud i removed areas of oil paint to reveal the layers below.
This creates a deep shadow and darkens some of he original colours while also giving the illusion of multiple highlights.
The base rim was painted with Games Workshops Abaddon Black.
To finish off the miniature i painted the base with PVA and dipped it into my home made basing mix.
The mix contains multiple grades of sand, small slate chips, different colour foam flocks and foam foliage.
once the base was dry I dotted on small dots of PVA and added some static grass.
There we have it. A nice and simple paint scheme to get your Lannister Assault Veteran on the table.