Prepare the miniature with a Zenithal Highlight on black.
At this stage we can highlight Armour plates to pure white and add masking fluid to preserve it.
Phoenician Purple overcoat.
Several thin layers to create a consistent base to build upon
Another White Zenithal coat.
Why am I doing this? I wanted a greater depth of contrast to the Armour to make it appear polished.
This adds more luminosity to the higher layers, and contrasts well with the black base coat layer.
Over spray with Formula p3 Beaten Purple.
.Increase highlight with GW Emperor’s Children.
The stages from here get a little fuzzy as I mix sunny skin tone into the highest highlights…
…and then I finish the blend by adding filter layers of Purple ink, beaten purple and coal black into the shadows.
With the airbrush stages complete we can move onto refining the details of the Armour with a brush. I use a Windsor and Newton series 7 no.0 round brush to add edge highlights and small scratch marks.
The gold was base coated with Royal Gold from Molten Metal, shaded with green and purple, then washed with Agrax Eathshade. I then reapplied the Royal Gold and added silver to highlight.
The sword was painted with Coal Black and highlighted with Arphen jade and white. I decided to use green as a highlight to add a complimentary colour to the purple. I also washes an additional
layer of Arphen jade around the joints of the gold for the same reason.
(Credit for painting guide and pictures to lil legend studio)