Europe asunder

A comprehensive set of supportless 3D printable 6mm-18mm scale Napoleonic STL files covering 11 armies of the early Napoleonic Period.

Europe Asunder is a collection of Napoleonic 3d stl files created by an artist called henry turner.

Intended for printing between 6-18mm, with the proportions of the figures matching existing ranges such as Adler and Baccus. Henry turners shop includes all that’s necessary to model the foot, foot artillery regiments and cavalry of the early Napoleonic period.  

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When these miniatures were first brought to my attention, I wasn’t keen on the art style, the proportions looked a little off to me but once I received a few files to test print I realised how wrong I was.

The files from Europe Asunder can be printed between 6mm and 18mm which cover a huge number of Napoleonic games. 

The files are on the pricier side of STL files but are well worth it. The level of detail is astonishing for 6mm miniatures. 

I would love to give these a 5 star rating but because of the high cost i can only give them 4.5 stars.
