Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals

Welcome to an Age of Sigmar Anvils of Heldenhammer painting tutorial.

The Stormcast Eternals miniatures were given a prime of Games Workshops Mechanicum standard grey.

Once that was dry I used Games Workshops Grey Seer at a 45 degree angle to dust the miniatures.

The armour was painted using Games Workshop Contrast Black Templar.

All of the chainmail and weapons were painted with Games Workshop Leadbelcher.

The armour trim and weapon details were painted with Games Workshops Retributor Armor.

The belts and weapon shafts were painted with Games Workshop Steel Legion Drab.

All of the cloth and top knot were painted with Games Workshop Mephiston Red.

Any shield and shoulder details were painted with Games Workshop Screaming Skull. As well as the helmet on the Stormcast Eternals  Leader.

Once all the base layers were dry the miniatures was given an all over wash of Games Workshop Agrax Earthshade.

The armour, weapons and cloth were highlighted with all of the original colours.

The cloth and topknot was highlighted with Games Workshop Wild Rider Red.

The helmet was highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Games Workshop White Scar and Screaming Skull.

The base was painted with Games Workshop Texture paint Martian Ironearth and Martian Ironcrust.

Once the base was dry it was given a light drybrush of Games Workshop Ryza Rust.

To finish off the base rim was painted with Games Workshop Abaddon Black.