Painting a Clone Trooper Barc Speeder from the 212th Assault Battalion.

Today we are painting a Clone Troopers Barc speeder, this is going to be a long one so get comfy. 

The first step was to prime the Clone Troopers white. I used a Halfords white car primer for this. 

Then Primed the Barc speeder using Games Workshops machanicus standard grey spray primer.

Once the primer was completely dry, the Barc speeder was given a light dry brush of Games Workshops administratum grey.

The grey looked a little flat so I used Coat d arms tank light grey to highlight each panel on the Barc speeder.

Games Workshops contrast apothicary white was used to line the armour of the Clone Troopers.

Using Games Workshops contrast black templar, I painted the exhaust vents, guns and peddles on the Barc speeder. 

Ashwell as the under armour, visor slits and guns on the clone troopers.

The handle bars were given a base coat of Games Workshops machanicus standard grey.

Once the handle bars were dry they were given an edge highlight using Games Workshops administratum grey.

The seats were given a coat of Games Workshops contrast wyldwood.

I mapped out some shapes and patterns on the Barc speeder using Games Workshops contrast gryph hound orange. There are no official patterns for the Barc speeders so you can add as much or as little detail as you like.

The orange markings were then highlighted with Army painter Lava orange.

The orange markings on the Clone Troopers were highlighted with Games Workshops troll slayer orange.

The Clone Troopers have some small dials on their right arm, they were given a coat of Games Workshops moot green.

To finish up the Clone troopers, Army painter white was used to clean up and highlight their armour.

The base was painted with the same steps as will all of the clone wars miniatures. The only difference was the edition of a piece of slate that was sprayed white, then given a wash of gryph hound orange.

So we finished the Clone Troopers Barc Speeder but it looks a little clean for an engine of war, so lets scuff it up a bit. 

To start with I used a bit of sponge to stipple on Games workshops Iron breaker. I concentrated the stippling around the engine ports and front armour.

Next I used a little bit of Games Workshops agrax earthshade to create streaks running from the engine vents.

To finish up I used a little bit of Games Workshops typhus corrosion to build up texture and grease marks around the engines.

There we have it, the finished weathered Clone trooper Barc Speeder.