Part 8: Painting an Epic Death Guard Landraider Proteus. The miniature was given a spray prime using Games Workshops Wraith Bone spray. Areas of the armour were painted with Coat D Arms Russian Green. The guns, tracks and exhausts were painted with Army Painter Gun Metal. Wires and cables were painted with Games Workshops Wild Rider Red. The entire miniature was given a wash with Games Workshops agrax earthshade. The cream armour was highlighted with Vallejo Ivory. The Green armour was highlighted with a 50/50 mix f Coat D Arms Russian Green and Vallejo Ivory. The base was painted with Games Workshop Squig Orange. I then covered the base with PVA glue and dipped it into Geek Gaming Mars earth.Once this was fully dry i used a 50/50 mix of PVA and water to seal the basing material. While the basing was drying I used this opportunity to add some of the Forge World Horus Heresy Death Guard decals to the miniature. Once the basing material was fully dry I gave it a light drybrush with Ryza rust. To finish the miniature the base rim was painted with Games Workshop Abaddon Black. Coming soon……….Part 9: Grouping miniatures bases for Epic Apocalypse.