Part 7: Painting an Epic Death Guard Rhino. The miniature was given a spray prime using Games Workshops Wraith Bone spray. Areas of the armour were painted with Coat D Arms Russian Green. The guns, tracks and exhausts were painted with Army Painter Gun Metal. The view slits were painted with Games Workshop Retributor Gold. The entire miniature was given a wash with Games Workshops agrax earthshade. The cream armour was highlighted with Vallejo Ivory. The Green armour was highlighted with a 50/50 mix f Coat D Arms Russian Green and Vallejo Ivory. The base was painted with Games Workshop Squig Orange. I then covered the base with PVA glue and dipped it into Geek Gaming Mars earth.Once this was fully dry i used a 50/50 mix of PVA and water to seal the basing material. While the basing was drying I used this opportunity to add some of the Forge World Horus Heresy Death Guard decals to the miniature. Once the basing material was fully dry I gave it a light drybrush with Ryza rust. I used Games Workshops contrast Iyanden Yellow to paint the headlights. To finish the miniature the base rim was painted with Games Workshop Abaddon Black. Coming soon……….Part 8: Painting 14th legion Landraider Proteus.