Part 10: Painting Droideka
Today we are going to paint the Droideka from the Star Wars Legion Clone Wars starter set.
To start the Droideka were primed with Games Workshops lead belcher spray.
Once the primer was fully dry i washed the Droideka with a 50/50 mix of Games Workshops Agrax earthshade and Nuln oil shade wash.
Once the wash was fully dry I used Games Workshops contrast Fyreslayer flesh to paint the armour plates.
You may need to apply 2-3 coats of this contrast paint.
This dry’s with a nice metallic brown effect.
The wires and coils of the guns were then given a coat of Games Workshops contrast Black templar.
I wanted to add a little weathering to the armour plates of the Droideka.
I used a little bit of Valleja Oily steel to stipple over the armour plates.
The eyes of the Droideka are red in the films, so I used Games Workshops Wraith bone to base the 3 eyes. once dry I painted on a layer of contrast Blood angels red.
Once this was dry I went back in with Wraith bone to add a couple of dots on the red to give a glassy jewel lens effect.
As with all of the Star Wars legion miniatures in this blog the bases were given a coat of Coat d arms red brown.
Once the red brown was dry i coated the base with PVA then dipped it into Geek Gaming Mars earth .
Once the base was fully dry it was given a light drybrush of Games Workshops dry Ryza rust. Any large rocks were then given a light drybrush of Daemonic yellow from Army Painter.
The rim of the base was then given a coat of Games Workshops Abaddon black.
There you have it, some very easy to paint Droideka.
Coming soon………….Part 11: Clone Trooper Barc Speeder